Macramé is my fascination. I started about two years ago with the first knots and I discovered a boundless creative practice.

Macramé is an ancient manual knotting technique. The word Macramé derives from the Arabic migramah (decorative fringe), from which the Ottoman-Turkish version terms mahrama and makrama (towel or veil).

Ancient weavers used this technique to knot excess thread along the edges of hand-loomed fabrics.

The Arabs brought this craft to Spain, then it appeared in Italy (especially in the region of Liguria), and then to Europe and the rest of the world.

Many things can be made with Macramé: fabrics, home decorative objects, bags, belts and jewels.

I especially love the micro Macramé and the creation of jewels with yarns up to 1mm thick. Sometimes I also enjoy making bags.

This practice helps me to relax and it gets me into the FLOW.

Have you read the book Flow by Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi? He describes how anyone from artists to assembly line workers can enter a state of constructive gratification by being trapped in the “flow”.

The creative realisation of macrame gratifies me and gives me a new perception of time. Time now not only passes, but it builds, it develops, it flows, it knots …